I want to understand why I almost killed myself by jumping out a 5th floor window while Dreaming.

It’s summer 2017. I’m sitting on the couch. My fiance is making music on the computer. It feels so good to be home. Together.

We are getting married soon. We love each other to the moon and back.

I could be dead now.

It was so close.

My mind has been a chaos the latest days. I have tried to put my thoughts together regarding my latest Marshmallow Dream. That went far too far… I have never been in so deep Dream before.

Today I have been reading huge amount of Dream reports. I have gone through many forums to find other people’s experiences about Marshmallow Dreams. I hoped someone would have had similar experiences with me so I could have learn to understand why did I do this all. And how to be sure not to make this happen again.  So I could continue my life without being absolutely terrified about the future.

I want to understand why I almost killed myself by jumping out a 5th floor window while Dreaming.

I went through a big bunch of Dream reports but didn’t find any which would have matched with mine. Yes, people have committed suicide while Dreaming. People have jumped out of buildings. But the described feelings which have lead them to do so or considering such seems to have always been different. People have jumped out the window cause they have believed they could fly. People have wanted to kill themselves cause they have felt that all what they have wanted to experience in life is now completed and it’s time to go. Or these people have been depressed without seeing any point in staying alive any longer.

My thoughts were that I love everything I have in my life more than anything ever before, and that I love my becoming husband, I want to be with him, take care of him, and that I miss him like hell, and that I miss our dog and cat and our home, and all our plans we have made for the future. But I saw that The Dream had gone too deep, and trapped both of us in forever. It didn’t let us go back to our everyday life, neither letting us meet each other ever again. We would be just Dreaming forever, both of us in own Dreams. And that those Dreams were full of horror. And only by jumping I would stop it for both of us.

That evening when I realised this all we were Dreaming at our friend’s place. My fiance was much deeper in the Dream, much deeper in the trap, totally incapable to see the danger, the life-threatening trap! I was the only one who was awake enough to see it, but still I couldn’t get myself to wake up. But I saw everything. And I knew that we needed to get out of our friend’s apartment. NOW! 

I knew this was a part of the trap!

I knew that that was the only way to wake up from the Dream. I compulsively tried it in every possible way so we could get back to reality, to be safe. But I realised that our friend actually wanted to keep us Dreaming in his apartment for the rest of our life. Cause he would benefit from us economically by doing so. That’s why he wanted to make us to take some drug to keep us Dreaming longer and longer.  I saw now how well all was planned. He and some others who he was working for were ready to sacrifice my and my fiance’s life, our sanity for their what-ever-selfish-purposes.

Our friend were sitting on the computer all the time. And now I understood that he wasn’t there just to chat on Facebook or choosing songs from youtube. I saw it now so clear that he was there administrating this trap of ours. He was keeping contact with the greater boss, some sort of Marshmallow God, getting commands and implementing them on us. He got all the time new ideas about how to keep us not waking up. For example the fake electric cigarette, which he was smoking all the time, was  actually to blow sneaky way some toxic  chemicals into the room air, so we wouldn’t wake up. I knew it, cause I felt clearing up a bit time to time, but every time I saw him blowing the colourful angeldust into the air I was long gone until I could strategise again.

He tried to make all look normal, he act so calm, so we wouldn’t start panic, but I knew this was a part of the show, part of the trap!


 Earlier we had been sitting by the window, looking at the beautiful night sky. I saw how my fiance was completely mesmerised over the beauty of the sky. I looked at him and I knew he would never agree to stop looking at it. He would sit there, looking at the sky, until tomorrow, day after tomorrow, until the next week, next month and so on.. He was like a little boy who had just experienced something so absolutely outstanding, the first time in his life. I knew there were no chance in the world he would stop exposing  himself to this beauty.  But I already had started to realise the trap that time, and it made me horrified. I knew it would be so difficult to take him out of the apartment, ask him to stop watching, going home now. He was totally unable to see the evil behind that pure beauty he saw looking at. The blissful gaze in his eyes told that all. He couldn’t understand that what he saw wasn’t for real so beautiful, they just made him see it that way, with those toxins they kept on giving us, the beauty was actually the toxin itself, keeping us Dreaming, to keeping us in the apartment. 

And as  he would be just watching and watching, his eyes would finally dry out open while looking at the sky not even wanting to blink his eyes to miss a moment. He would finally collapse and die never understanding what really happened. I needed to take him away from the window, shake that vision out of his head. I needed to take us out, to clean both of ours heads to wake up.

But he wasn’t willing to do so. He didn’t see the danger at all, he didn’t understand that if we don’t stop watching, we never wake up to the real life again. He was just looking and looking at the sky. I saw him turning into skinny, weak, tired, not an adult anymore but a sick little boy, eyes already now completely dried out. Poor beautiful kid, I needed to save this beautiful soul before it was too late. I didn’t want that all the beauty in him, all the great in him would get destroyed. He was too important to loose. He had too much to loose. He deserved much better. The vision of him never coming back from this Dream, just living in his imaginary world, just sitting there day after day.. a little mesmerised smile on his face without any contact into surrounding world. That was so wrong. He had so much more planned for his life than that. I didn’t want anyone making fun of him not seeing the trap and therefore losing his sanity.

Finally I got him away from the window. I wanted us to leave the apartment immediately! Because our friend would find soon another way to poison us. But I saw my fiance was way too badly in the trap, so badly brainwashed by our friend and the toxins, that I couldn’t convince him out of the apartment. He didn’t want to leave anymore. It was insane. Cause even he earlier had said to me we could go soon, suddenly he started to tell he sees that it’s safest if we just stay! I couldn’t believe my ears! It was so sad! I’m loosing him!! He is not on my side anymore. Did this really happen? Then I really need to act!

 My only goal now was to get myself out into the clean air to clear my head to then be able to help him too. I knew that if we continued staying in the apartment, our friend would keep on poisoning us, sneaky way forcing us to smell his toxic chemicals, more and more. I was so scared that I can’t get out in time, before I expose myself too much to it, that I would start to believe, too, that the place was safe. Then no one could save us anymore, no one would ever find us. We would Dream to death. All hope would be gone.


So I went to the door and opened it. Oh, it felt so good, soon I would be back helping him. But suddenly my fiance was behind me and prevented me from leaving. He locked the door. I tried many times to open the lock, we fought over it. I tried so hard to twist the lock, to push the door open that I got wounds into my fingers, and bruices into my arms.

I couldn’t believe! He was so toxicated that he had stopped being himself, he had started to serve our friend! Him who was serving the biggest boss, the Marshmallow God! He just wanted me to lay down and rest! Even that was, for sure, the way into never-ending madness in this apartment! We could never get back to our life again!



I couldn’t let that happen. I needed to run away to safe us both. Even my fiance was obviously turning to our friend’s side, I didn’t see him as my enemy, I just felt him as an unfortunate victim of our vicious friend. I knew I needed to sneak out. So I just suddenly ran to the door again and forward to the hallway. But he was there so fast, taking me back into the apartment, locking the door, making sure I couldn’t get out again. Now I got the final approvement of him being completely gone, obeying the other side. Cause he would never, as himself, stop me so determinedly from going out if I wanted. Now it was a serious challenge to get out!!

He tried to calm me down, he tried to make me believe we were safe and we could leave a bit later. I wanted to test many ways to prove him right or wrong about the safety of the apartment, cause maybe I was just misunderstood un the end? I was ready to give it a chance. He said we could write a list about the things which would make me feel safe and convinced, so we could then take care of them. First I felt very good about it and I excitedly started to make the list. But soon I realised it was just a part of the trap to make me feel comfortable so I wouldn’t feel the need to escape.

I for example felt a huge need to contact someone outside of the apartment. So I could be sure we haven’t lost connection to the surrounding world. I wanted to know that the real world still exists. He let me to call her sister, but soon I sadly realised this was all just to fool me to feel safe. She would not pick up or something would be wrong with the phone or reception. Cause, of course, I wasn’t allowed to keep contact with outside world… Or find out there wasn’t any, anymore. All what looked real was just framed for us. The real world didn’t exist anymore? At least we were not allowed to connect with it anymore?

She didn’t pick up.

I started to be so devastated. So hopeless. I kept on trying to find out approvements of all madness just being in my own head, and that I could just relax and wait, and trust that the morning would come, bringing all back to normal again.

But unfortunately I didn’t find enough approvement for that.

I went to the window, I tried to see other people outside but I didn’t see any. Just empty, closed backyards of the tall concrete buildings we were in. This is a trap! All what I see is part of the framed trap! We are isolated from the surrounded world! Nothing I see is real! I even questioned the sky. I looked at it in the window, I tried to see approvement that it was the real sky. But it wasn’t the real one. I was now sure that it was a huge tent and we were all inside of it to be sure we couldn’t breath fresh air, and that we would just think we are safe.

I repeatedly went to look at the sky, to see where does it end, really? Were we in a tent or not? Yes we were! I felt so sad.

Then I heard cars passing the buildings somewhere further away. A good sign! Maybe this is not a trap after all! A sign of the surrounding world! A sign of the other human beings! A sign of that we can go there and join other people a bit later as he said! I was so relieved hearing the cars. So many times it calmed me down when I heard the same sound….the same…sound…the exactly the same sound!! Suddenly I realised that the sound was always completely the same. It convinced me that the sound was actually recorded to make me believe there were cars outside, and other people there. But I caught them from that trick! You don’t full me!

I couldn’t stay in! I needed to get out, and keep myself getting sober!

I was very thirsty but I didn’t even trust the tap to drink water. Making me thirsty and keeping water available was just one more sneaky way to try to make me take more toxins.  I realised this just in time when I was getting the water onto my dry tongue. So I spitted it out. I needed to just tolerate the thirst. The only safe way.

In some point I had already lost my hope of escaping the apartment to find help. I knew it wasn’t possible. The trap was too well planned. Devastating fact to accept. We would stay in the apartment the rest of our life. We would be used for the trap’s purposes, being toxicated, staying in this deep horror Dream until our physical bodies would finally collapse. That’s it.

Suddenly I got an idea that I should jump out the window. Not to escape to find help, no, that I didn’t believe in anymore. But by jumping I believed I would end our embarrassing destiny quicklier. And I had a full understanding that I would not just end mine but also my fiance’s Dream, his suffering. It was like by me jumping both of us would die. But I knew only I could do it, only my jumping would do the work. So I was willing to save us to death from this trap as we couldn’t be saved back to our own life anymore, anyway.

I attempted to jump out the window several times, persistently. Many times the most part of me was hanging out already, I only saw asphalt down below me when I looked down, I still remember that view, I was just about to start falling. And then my fiance ripped me back in!!!! Just in the last possible millisecond! ..But just that I could run to another window to jump. But he always caught me in time. I still find it unbelievable how he always were there in time. That and only that is the reason I am still alive! Cause I WAS 100% SURE ABOUT TO JUMP! With no fear, no hesitations. Even I am scared of heights in the real life. I had a mission and I fearlessly was accomplishing it! And I have no recall of this but he told me afterwards that I had sneaky way made him believe I was resting but just when he didn’t look at me for a second I had ran to the window again ready to jump.

He and our friend tried to calm me down and make me rest, feel myself comfortable and safe. And in some point I had the moment when I was ready to give it a try. I had rebuilt some trust with our friend and also my fiance was convincing me by being so honest looking in his attempts to help me. So I just laid down and decided to believe in them and wait until we wake up.
That actually felt a nice idea for a moment cause I was so tired and exhausted.

I laid in bed. But soon I started to hear a voice. It was like my fiance’s voice telling that I shouldn’t rest, that I should take care of him now, and that it would be very rude and selfish to just lay down, be quiet and rest, because he had helped me and now was my time to help him, talk to him, make him feel comfortable. I was so tired but I forced myself to talk to that voice, do what he said, to not being selfish person by thinking of my own tiredness only. Sometimes even if I tried I just couldn’t talk cause I was to exhausted, so lack of energy. Then the voice said that maybe it’s then best that I just jump out the window, if I’m so useless, rude and selfish.
Ok, now I realised that this was still all part of the trap, I was far from waking up, far from being safe, this was far from being over. And also I knew now that it was all inside of my head. For real I wasn’t talking to anyone, not to my friend, not to my fiance. I was alone in my horror Dream. I could not run away from myself. To be able to rest was just a beautiful illusion. I could not rest this madness away. It was to stay, and to get worse.

I understood now that no matter what I would try to do, this madness, this nagging voice would bully me finding always a new way to make me feel uncomfortable, so I would end up jumping.

Now I also bitterly understood that us being poisoned prisoners in the apartment wasn’t the only concern. This nagging voice wasn’t the only concern. Trying to tolerate this discomfort for some while wasn’t the way out.

They were no way out.

I realised that sinking too deep into the Dream and getting all the toxins to maintain the deep Dream had fucked up our brains, permanently, there was no turning back, there was no chance to cure our minds, not even if someone would have now come and take us to the hospital. It was too late already.

The damage was permanent. Unreversable. Inevitable. We could not live a normal life anymore. Ever again. We were seriously braindamaged. We could never be like we used to be. That, what me and my fiance were until tonight, two ambitious persons full of love, with all the plans for the future, was now forever gone.
To describe that feeling when I realised all that is over my ability. The feeling was totally devastating, it was a feeling of a biggest possible loss. Losing of all what matters. All what is important. I realised we fucked up and failed. This was our end. We could never really meet again in the mundane life, as we used to be. Our bodies, and our minds were too damaged for it. To outside world we would look like vegetables, mentally disabled. I only had this part of my mind which still were fully aware of what was going on.

I wished all in me could die already. So I couldn’t feel the emotional pain, the loss. It was the most horrible thing to feel being trapped into a damage body unable to communicate with anyone. But to be totally aware of everything. No change to change it.

But feeling all the pain to the fullest was the whole idea of the trap, I knew it now.
I just wished he wasn’t in the same kind of limbo as I was. What if he was also feeling the pain of losing me and feeling the fact that we can never communicate again, never meet again. I wished he was too fucked up to suffer, physically or emotionally.

I imagined myself announcing a shared obituary of ours. In it I was telling to people about us as a couple who were so happy together and were brave to try all crazy stuff in their life and lived their life to the fullest, the pure way they wanted to be. But that it finally had a too big cost, they failed in the end, one Dream was just too much, too too deep, too long and it destroyed their brains.

Anyhow,I felt me and him being in peace together, no arguments, nothing negative between us. Just I was extremely sad that all was over and we were not able to communicate, go home together. I would have loved to continue our life so much. I wished we could connect to each other again. But that wasn’t possible anymore. We were about to die to this hell. In one point I would have been happy to even have chance to die together, in connection to each others, but we were in different nightmares. I imagined announcing my deep wish that someone good would take care of cat and dog and give them a good rest of the life, and make them understand that we love them so much but can’t come home anymore, to pet them ever again. That felt so overwhelmingly sad.

I have always thought that if people are too desperate they can kill themselves, their physical bodies, and by doing so they get relief from all the pain, physical and emotional. They lose their life but that’s the worse that can happen. Just stop being. Stop understanding. Like sleeping and never waking up again. Like nothing ever happened. You could just let your body lay down and let it die. And you wouldn’t feel anything anymore. Ever.




But now I realized that I had been too naive in that belief.

I had already accepted everything, the loss of everything…(That feeling was something I thought I would never need to live to experience.). Yes, I have suffered seeing all that and I understand I have nothing left. Can I go now? Can I just die? Can I just fall asleep, stop understanding what is going on?

I was so ready to die. I wished it so much. My heart was beating like crazy. This time, opposite to usual times when it happens while Dreaming, I wasn’t afraid of it. I thought if I got a heart attack this madness would be over faster. But when I tried to just rest and wait for the death to pick me…that voice came back again.

Yea, of course…it would have been too sweet, too easy. That moment I finally saw the whole extent of the trap, and what was it really all about. It wasn’t just to use us, benefit from us economically, no. That was just one of the cover stories. Under it laid the real meaning, the real sickness of this all.

This Dream was to drive people crazy.

That was the meaning. Simple as that.

For somebody’s pleasure.

Someone had created a new way to make people sink into a deeper Dream ever, marketing as a regular Dream. This deep one was to make people see the danger of Dreaming. Like saying: You wanted to get fucked up? Here you go! Take all the money’s worth!

That someone enjoyed creating Dreams which would shoot people into an endless madness. And we went into that trap! We thought Dreaming was for fun. Fun for us who do it. But now someone was having that fun instead of us. Looking from his monitors how we suffer, sneaking his voice into our heads, driving us crazy. While laughing his as off.

This hell would last until our bodies would finally collapse. But until that was a long time. I knew it now. Of course, the sickfuck who had made this all possible wants to maximize our pain, his pleasure.

And his biggest pleasure is to keep our awareness alive all the way until the end. So no pain wouldn’t go unnoticed, unfelt, unsuffered.

With no rest, making every second extremely unconfortable.

He had invented an evil masterpiece which makes people willingly destroy themselves extreme way.

First letting people have fun for a while, then suddenly change the whole shit upside down.

Closing all the doors back to reality. Forever. Making the people fight against the idea of inevitable destruction of their life, as long as they please and then see how they finally would accept it as the only option available.

Showing to them how their bodies would be permanently damaged, and their identity, all what they have learned to be, would be gone, and make them accept it, too.

And after that, dig even deeper.. Making people feel extreme emotional pain, suffering more than they ever could have imagined. By ripping them away from their beloved ones, cutting all the connections, forcing them to give all they love away, all that matters in their life away.

And feel it. Long time. Long time throughout.

Experience that extreme loss, have it as their reality in their minds. And after loosing all that, making them know that all they would be for the rest of their life was nothing but failures, losers, despised by everyone, finally forgotten by everyone, not helped by anyone, laying on the ground totally fucked up, shitting in their pants, just waiting the physics finally fail to take the pain away, as junkies dying in a ditch face down.

Making them know that that is the only way things would go.

 And then.

Giving them one option, a shortcut away from those horror visions which otherwise were inevitably waiting for them.

By promising that all would end quickly if they jumped out the window.

They could save themselves from more pain by killing themselves. Now!

Game over. Peace. Nothing.

So there I was approaching the window, slowly this time, I knew what I was doing, I wasn’t scared, my mind was calm. And even I am super scared of heights usually, I was totally ready to jump. It felt like an easy task, something people do on a daily basis.

But when I was looking down, part of me found it all so absurd! Something in me was resisting now. Something in me was suspicious. I wasn’t so sure anymore if the jumping was right. What if I understood it wrong. What if I destroy all, what if losing him, us, our life, was just a misunderstanding and I would jump to death for no reason! That would be horrible!

But then the voice which was talking to me, suggesting jumping, got me again, painted those horror visions into my mind again and I knew I needed to accomplish this task. To save both me and him. Cause that’s how I saw it clearly.

My jumping would end also his suffering, stop his limbo, where he most surely was, in his own endless hell. By jumping I could end it for both of us. I could reach the silence. Peaceful death to us.

We would lose all. But that we already knew. Instead, we could now get the sweet nothingness. 

When I was looking down, preparing to jump I suddenly remembered the stories I had heard about people who had jumped out the window while Dreaming. And all the speculations why did they do so.

Now I saw the real reason why!!

It was the nicest way, only shortcut out of the hellish limbo.

And it was done in peace.

Oh, for a moment I was so excited about this finding, to have a story to tell to people so they could increase the understanding the effects of Dreaming. ..But very soon I bitterly realised I would never be back to tell the story. Never. That tiny moment which I had forgotten our inevitable death and when I was able to think of  ’going back to our everyday life after the Dream’ ..and then remembering how things really were, depressed me so much. Why can’t we just go back to how everything was? Can this madness be over? This one time!!!

But no. There were no other ways to proceed than to jump. And I would be one more fucked up junkie in the newspapers, and people would wonder…what made her jump?