Yesterday evening I was sitting on our terrace with my husband. We looked into the distance. There was a beautiful old tree there. The tree which we always have known being there. But something made us to pay especially careful attention to it yesterday. We admired it, we enjoyed its beauty, we were happy having it there for us to see something so gorgeous. Still some very old trees around here left.
Next morning we woke up to a noise of chainsawing… We heard ‘crack’. We jumped into the window… The tree was down. The landowner cut it off to have more place to build houses. During the day the tree turned into little logs and mess.
I am grateful we had the moment yesterday. The old tree deserved it before it needed to go. I believe something made that moment happen.. made that connection, between us and the tree, possible. Maybe it was the tree itself who whispered to us, wanted to say goodbye, knowing we were probably the only ones around here who would care.