I was walking home with our dog one day and listening to Youtube about autoimmune diseases, for my studies, and especially I chose the videos of people who seemed to share the same belief with me that those diseases have emotional roots.
After starting one more of the videos I very soon noticed it actually had a very religious approach to the subject. The narrator was totally fanatic about the God. I was about to stop it, but since changing the videos all the time was a pain in the ass as my hands were occupied by walking the dog and holding my coffee, I decided to give this weird lady a chance.
I’m really glad that I did so! Cause with the help of it, I got many things put in place in my head. Even though I got a bit drifted away from the original topic of autoimmune diseases.
But a bit about it first anyway. Autoimmune diseases like f.ex. rheumatoid arthritis can be extremely painful and limiting mobility. Usually pain can be kept away or at least reduced by strong medication. Also diet can play a huge role in maintaining life as painless as possible. But as I have learned during my studies, these diseases can also be treated by finding the emotional root cause of the pain.
There are a lot fo them but two examples are self-protection and self-punishment.
If the emotional reason is self-protection, the pain works as a protector. For example if you have been violently attacked a long time ago somewhere outside and you are still are scared of going out cause someone could attack you there again. You unconsciously give to your body messages that you want to keep yourself out from the danger. The pain protects you as it prevents you from going out. The pain has an important purpose in your life.
If the emotional reason is self-punishment, the pain works as a punishment for something you unconsciously believe you have done wrong. You blame yourself for something that has been done to you. Usually this has been learned in very early age, because of an abusive childhood, and because the child hasn’t been loved unconditionally. If love has been conditional the child has created a belief there must be something wrong with him, and that his value is for others to define. He doesn’t feel good enough as he is. He carries horrible blame, shame and hurt with him all the way to his adulthood and unconsciously feels he deserves the pain, he doesn’t deserve to be healthy. Also he might unconsciously give to his body messages to try to remove ‘that something bad, something filthy’ in him by attacking against himself as it happens in autoimmune deceases.
This way of thinking shows a faulty belief that love and acceptance would be something that comes to you externally. That it’s for others to decide for you when you are allowed to feel good enough. This creates a low self-esteem and a neurotic behaviour cause you need to monitor other people around you in order to reach happiness. You need to keep on changing yourself in the way you guess other people want you to change, because you are not sure, you can’t trust in yourself. You need to keep on doing favours to other people, trying to be good enough in other people’s eyes so you could earn to be loved one day.
On the religious video the lady shared my opinion about autoimmune diseases having emotional roots but the reason why people get sick was a bit different to mine.
She explained that not feeling good enough is a slap on the God’s face, cause then you actually claim that the God didn’t manage to do a good job by creating you. And therefore it’s an insult towards the God. Nothing he does should be criticised, cause he always has the best possible pure intention what ever he does. You should never dare to doubt his decisions, cause he is so wise and loves you unconditionally. He would never do anything against your well-being. But if you anyway doubt the God’s love and his purest good intentions you will be attacked by him, you will be punished by getting sick.
Also she talked about how you should take care of your body, nourish it with healthy food, have healthy daily habits by exercising and resting enough. So the body maintain strong and healthy. Yes, makes sense to me, too, it’s important to take care of yourself. But her reason for keeping your body healthy was cause your body is the temple of the Lord. And that it’s your duty to keep the temple of the Lord perfect for the Lord. If you don’t take care of the Lord’s temple, you get punished by the Lord. He makes you sick. And you can just blame yourself..
Suddenly a sentence, which my husband said to me many months ago during one of our amazing Marshmallow Dreams, came to my mind:
‘And the God is yiu.’.
During this beautiful dream we had an amazing healing ritual. We were totally connected and talked without words. He healed me from my old traumas, the beliefs that I am not worthy, and that all that is my fault. During this ritual all those beliefs got smashed. My husband opened me, put Bright White Light into me and closed me again so I can heal and become the best version of myself.
And he repeated words which sounded like someone was talking through him, and he said:
‘You are Bright, White Light. And ‘The God is yiu’.
Who was supposed to be the God? Even it sounded near to ‘you’ -like ME in this case!! I was like nooo, I can’t be god, it would be a bit too big tittle to me!
We also tried to explain the word ‘yiu’ to be the beginning of the word ‘god’ in many other languages as it sounded so. Message then just being ‘God is God…The God exists everywhere, in every culture..in every language?’ What ever. We forgot the whole thing until at work my client, out of the blue, told me she sees me changed… She said she sees bright white light in me, which she hadn’t seen in me before….That was quite amazing moment…She told afterwards that she sees auras in people, and have some Medium skills. She also told that my earlier colors had been so strong, dark and self-protective, but now all is replaced with open, vulnerable bright white light…
Now many months later, when I was listening to this religious video all came together to me! Her talk was so fanatic about praising the God, how shouldn’t you carry any shame of God’s creations, how should you take care of yourself for the God, and trust and praise him with no doubt. Yea, I agree that you should not carry shame and that you should take care of yourself but not FOR THE GOD!
-But for yourself!
And suddenly I realised that if I just remove from all her speech the word god, and replace it with you. All makes sense, and then my husband’s message is totally clear. He was removing traumas from me, my beliefs that I am not enough, that I am not worthy.
I have always believed that I need to get acceptance from others to be enough, that I need to find out what is it that is wrong with me and then fix it so people could love me, so I could love myself. But it never works that way, cause love and acceptance is real only when it comes from within. But I, as so many others, have learned to belief that acceptance comes from external sources. That’s why I always felt it’s impossible to me to love myself -before one day someone would come and announce me to be qualified, purified to do so.
And that’s exactly how religious people believe! They crave acceptance from external sources, from the God. I am not religious person and I haven’t searched acceptance from the God, or so I thought.
Now I have realised that God was originally You. And You inhabited within ourselves. And the biggest scam of the human kind is that someone denied it, and decided to externalise this only right god called You. And gave it alias, The God. So people would start believing in an external god. Denying themselves as the most powerful and rightful god!
This externalisation created the biggest neurosis in mankind. Neurosis of never ever feeling good enough by oneself. Cause you can never be happy, never rest when your happiness depends on someone else than yourself. And that’s the fucking evil purpose of religions, to keep people always scared and shamed. And making people believe that if they just say sorry one more time, and do one more favour, tomorrow they will reach the God’s blessing. But that tomorrow never comes. That’s the whole point in religions. Religions have externalised the only one who holds the power of giving you the peace of mind.
Religious people never praise themselves for good achievements, cause they believe all the good comes from the God, and therefore only praise belongs to him, too.
But they never reach the paradise, cause this God is external, it’s a faulty one.
This God will never let people rest in peace thinking they are good enough, being sure.
Cause how could you ever be sure when all what you are and can become depends on someone outside of you?
Externalising You, giving it a wrong name, creating a religion, is the rudest possible thing, the most painful curse one could ever do for the mankind.
Most of the people never find out that they are praising a faulty god. Only enlightened people find the real god.
You is the only real god. You is the god in You. You is your highest self.
(Loving You, is the only functional religion if term religion needs to be even used. Preferably I do not use the word religion as for me it stands for the scam).
Just keep on replacing the word God with You… and the scam gets revealed..Perfect match..
Take care of the temple of You by living healthy life, so your highest self can bloom the most and achieve the brightest white light.
Praise You for all the achievements you do. You would never turn against yourself. You always make the best possible decisions available to yourself. And therefore outcome, no matter how it is, should not be blamed. You love yourself unconditionally, You would never do anything against your deepest purest need. And even if it sometimes looks like You punish you, you can trust that it’s for your own best, -You teaches you. You learn to be a better version of yourself.
And as the religious people say… ‘The only perfect love is God’s love that casts away fear’. When you love You, it takes the fear away, fear of life away. Cause you understand that all the love you need comes from within, you are not dependent on any kind of external acceptance. You don’t need to wait anyone to announce you to be good enough. You know you are good enough. Because of the fact that You control your own happiness, you don’t need to be scared, unsure or punish yourself. You are in balance with the universe. All is fractal.
And as the religious people preach that the God is everywhere, and many are wondering how can it be possible that the God is always present everywhere they go, for every one of them?
But when the god is You, that’s natural. Cause You inhabits in you. And in your perception, You are everywhere you go. You are always present where ever you are.
Your perception to life. Your perception to universe.
When your physical body dies, you will be present somewhere else cause You is not your body. If You die, the whole universe dies with You. Nothing exists any longer. Or maybe nothing ever happened at all.. It was just your perception.
…Back to autoimmune diseases.. Religious explanation: Autoimmune disease takes place when you insult the God by not believing you are good enough, a perfect creation of the God. It creates unloving spirit in you. And the God attacks you, punishes you by making you ill.
You can never heal cause your health depends on external source, a source which is a scam. Loving spirit will never manage to take place in you.
All make so much sense when you again just replace God with You. As I told in the beginning I fully believe that autoimmune diseases and pretty much any other diseases, also variety of mental unbalances like depression and addictions have emotional roots.
If you don’t believe in You, it creates unloving spirit in you. Unloving spirit is toxic and it makes you sick.
But when you learn to love You, take care of your body and mind for You, you are in balance, and you will heal.